
DCAM / 2022 / Experimental

This project aims to put the viewer in the role of a voyeur, to give them in which chamber the murder will take place. When we start the interactive experimental project we have a brief introduction of what we are going to see and the rules of this experience through messages that will be on the screen for 45 seconds. Then we'll see the 4 monitors for another 45 seconds and the experience starts when a zoom makes us see only camera 4. This is where the camera experience begins. Every 2 minutes there will be 2 options to choose from to change the camera. The stories will have connections with each other and there will be clues such as broken bottles or dialogues that will direct us to the other monitors, influencing the viewer in their decisions.



Realizador  Vasco Soares


Produtor  Ana Lourenço


Diretor de Fotografia  Hugo Leça


Editor  Joana Seixas | Maria Batista


Argumentista  Carlota Sempere | Hugo Leça | Vasco Soares

Financiamento e Apoios  ICA    Website  https://horusproject.live/music

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